Nine reasons why SEO is important for your business

Daniel Binkowski
5 min readMar 10, 2022

The process of marketing may have changed dramatically over the last few years, and there are now many more things to consider when looking for leads and customers. In particular, businesses may want to focus on increasing the quality of their online presence with the help of search engine optimization (SEO) — optimizing your pages for searches engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. The goal of SEO is to be found in the results pages of these search engine rankings, thereby helping you get an increase in visibility and relevance among potential consumers. If done properly, SEO will boost your company’s reputation among users and provide qualified clients to those people. Let’s explore ten reasons why SEO is worth the investment:

1. To Generate Leads

There has been much discussion about how SEO and social media help generate traffic to your business. This is definitely true, but it also comes as no surprise that SEO generates leads by creating content that attracts attention, and once a lead is brought into your site, they become a loyal customer. You can use SEO to increase your overall customer engagement.

2. To Grow A Better Customer Base

When you start seeing consistent, high-quality leads from any type of brand, this can affect other aspects of your business, such as your sales, your email and subscriber campaigns, and even the way you interact with customers. When you’re able to attract attention and convert your visitors into customers, then chances are that your business will expand more quickly. Using SEO makes it possible for your business to generate new leads, which in turn can result in increased sales and increased revenue.

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3. For More Engagement

When you build great reviews and positive experiences for your target audience, you will gain better credibility with them, leading to higher conversions. Search engine optimization is one of the most effective ways of creating your own online community. Users who come across the best SEO from trusted companies are actually more likely to stay longer online if they’re getting excellent recommendations from someone like yourself. And since every website needs to rank well at the top, it’s easy to see why SEO is so powerful.

4. To Increase Your ROI By Investing In Tools That Take Care Of Some Other Task

Google analytics is a critical part of SEO, and while not everyone likes it, it helps marketers make decisions based on actual consumer data and statistics rather than opinions and guesses. There are quite a number of Google Analytics tools available to help you optimize your websites, including several free ones that allow you to track metrics like “SEO Keywords” in Google Analytics directly from within your webpages. Use these to improve your SEO, too!

5. To Improve User Experience

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While some SEO strategies are costlier to implement for larger businesses, others may be more attainable for small or emerging businesses. Most SEO strategies require little to no initial setup costs and require only limited resources — such as budgeting — to run the show (in other words, you don’t need to hire an accountant). As previously mentioned, this can add up to significant savings for businesses trying to compete with the competition.

7. To Get The Attention Of Long-Loved Brands

Because you never know when something really hits, it’s important to take full advantage of search engine optimization and see for yourself what works for your industry and whom it actually is for. Marketers make a habit out of having their eye on the details when writing headlines, but if they don’t pay close attention to the exact keywords that are driving conversions and attention to your site, you’ll miss out on some of the opportunities to increase conversions and grow your business. The keyword research tool Google Trends often suggests certain keywords that are trending, so do some digging, and try to figure out where it might fit your business and what it means to competitors.

8. To Gain Brand Recognition

The key component of any campaign that sells anything is recognition. The more your name appears each time you think about something online, the more you are remembered and recognized by your prospects and competitors. Whether your business has an existing niche or a brand new to it, being able to stand out from a crowd of competitors is crucial to growing your brand. Search engine optimization is an excellent way to help gain that recognition, and your brand can benefit simply because it stands out from the rest of the pack to begin with.

9. To Create New Opportunities

Search Engine Optimization isn’t just one of many components of your successful digital marketing strategy; it often includes some combination of another strategy. Many marketing professionals recognize the importance of knowing that a well-optimized website means they have a chance at earning a competitive edge. From a practical perspective, this means that your company’s webpages contain search-friendly phrases that target the searcher’s intent and are therefore more likely to engage with and convert a lead onto a sale. On the other hand, if your webpages don’t include keywords or aren’t on trend, you’re less likely to reach out to the targeted audience and instead sell to other sites. Getting a handle on SEO will help you become more visible in the eyes of the public and ultimately reap the rewards of building a robust online presence.

Article originally published at



Daniel Binkowski

I specialise in designing and developing responsive websites for businesses and individuals looking to increase their revenue and improve their online presence.